Have a receptive attitude. Go alone with God. Commune with Him. Enjoy the abiding
peace in silence.
In the Srimad Bhagavata the Lord Sri Krishna says to Uddhava, "I am not so easily
attainable by Yoga, Sankhya or discrimination, Dharma, study of the Vedas, Tapas,
renunciation, liberal gifts, charitable acts, rites such as Agnihotra, fasts, vows, secret
Mantras, resort to pilgrimages, Yamas, Niyamas (moral rules), as by Satsanga (company
of Sadhus or the wise) which puts an end to all attachments. It is only by association
with the wise and the righteous, that many who were of Rajasic or Tamasic nature—
such as Vritra, son of the sage Tvashtri; Prahlada, the Daityas, the Asuras and the
Rakshasas, Gandharvas, Apsaras, Nagas, Siddhas, Charanas, Guhyakas and Vidyadharas,
many beasts and birds, and among mankind Vaisyas, Sudras, women and outcastes who
are of the lowest birth, have attained Me. Vrishaparva, Bali, Bana, Maya, Vibhishana,
Sugriva, Hanuman; Jambavan, the bear; Gajendra, the elephant; Jatayu, the vulture;
Tuladhara, the merchant; Dharmavyadha, the fowler; Kubja, the hunch-backed
perfume-seller; the Gopis in Vraja, the wives of the Brahmanas engaged in sacrifices in
Brindavana, and others—all these did not study the Vedas did not sit at the feet of great
men of learning for the sake of knowledge. They did not observe any vows or fasts. They
did not perform Tapas but they attained me through association with saints and Sadhus.
Through love alone, developed through the company of saints, the Gopis and even the
cows, trees, beasts, serpents and others of dull-witted nature, became perfected and