WHAT is life, my dear brothers? Is it merely the act of breathing or respiration or digestion or excretion
or the acts of metabolism, anabolism or katabolism, the constructive or destructive changes that ever go
on in the physical organism or human body or economy of nature? Is it mere thinking or planning or
scheming to earn money, name and fame? Is it the act of procreation to keep up the line? Is it the sum
total of all these processes? Or is it the movement of the protoplasm in the unicellular organism, amoeba,
with its single nucleus? Scientists and biologists have a very different conception of life. Philosophers
like Sankara have quite a different conception of life.
Life is of two kinds, viz., life in matter and life in Atma or spirit or pure consciousness. Biologists and
physiologists hold that life consists of thinking, feeling, knowing, willing, digestion, excretion,
circulation, respiration, etc. This kind of life is not everlasting. This is attended with dangers, pain, fear,
cares and anxieties, worries, exertion, sin, birth and death with their concomitant evils, viz., old age,
disease, etc. Therefore, sages, seers, Rishis, prophets and saints who have realised their inner Self by
discipline of the mind and the organs, by Tyaga and Tapas, by Vairagya and Abhyasa, by leading a life of
self-denial, self-sacrifice and self-abnegation have emphatically, without a shadow of doubt-like Amalaka
fruit in the hands-declared that a life in the Atma or Pure Spirit alone can bring everlasting peace, infinite
bliss, supreme joy, eternal satisfaction and immortality. They have prescribed various definite methods
for Self-realisation according to diverse temperaments, capacities and tastes of indivi. Duals. Those who
have implicit faith in their teachings, in the Vedas and in the words of the Guru (spiritual preceptor),
march fearlessly on the field of spirituality or Truth, and obtain freedom or perfection or salvation. They
do not come back to this Mrityu Loka, They rest in Sat-Chit-Ananda Brahman or their own Swaroopa.
This is the goal of human life. This is the highest aim or purpose of life. This is the final destination
which bears various names as Nirvana, Parama Gati, Param Dhama, Brahmi-Sthiti. Self-realisation is
your highest duty.
This does not mean, however, that we should ignore the life in the physical plane of matter. Matter is
expression of God (Brahman) for His own Leela. Matter and spirit are inseparable like heat and fire, cold
and ice, flower and fragrance Shakti and Shakta (power and he who possesses power) are one. Brahman
and Maya are inseparable and one. A life in the physical plane is a definite preparation for the eternal life
in Brahman. World is your best teacher; the five elements are your Gurus. Nature is your mother and
director. Prakriti is your silent Master. World is the best training ground for the development of various
divine virtues, such as, mercy, forgiveness, tolerance, universal love, generosity, nobility, courage,
magnanimity, patience, strong will, etc. World is an arena for fighting with the diabolical nature and for
expressing divinity from within. The central teaching of the Gita and Yoga Fasishtha is that one should
realise his Self by remaining in the world. “Be in the world, but be out of the world. Behave like the water
on the lotus-leaf. Give up the lower Asuric nature which consists of selfisliness, lust, anger, greed, hatred,
and jealousy: assert the divine nature-a life of mental renunciation and self-sacrifice?
Science and religion, politics and religion, are inseparable. They obviously go hand in hand. Politics
prepare the ground for the reception of the spiritual seeds. If there is no economical independence, if there
is no freedom and peace in the country, how can the spiritual seed be thrown in the land? How can the