Most gracious Lord of Mercy and Love, the joy that I experienced when I saw and read the most inspiring
Message addressed to this humble self on the outer cover page of the 75th Birthday Souvenir of the Divine
Life Magazine, was unbounded and beyond expression. May the remembrance of this glorious Message
and the practice thereof, not only in this life but in the lives to come also, help me to evolve higher and
higher towards God-realisation, is my humble prayer. How blessed am I to have such spontaneous
blessings from Thy blissful pen.
-Sri N. Ponniah, Kuala Lumpur, Malaya.
I am grateful indeed for the kind interest that you have shown in my spiritual evolution. It is because of
thy blessed self’s grace that there is vast real progress on the way of advancement in spirituality.
-Sri Nathalie, Sakolna.
Sri Gurudev’s highly inspiring and instructive books of guidance and advice have radically changed me
and my outlook on life enabling me to live a purposeful life of peace and bliss.
-Sri Jitendra Nath Khullar, Chisholm Mills, Alta, Canada.
When I am sitting here in the office today, I have got such a strong desire to write to Thee. Thank you for
the two wonderful letters that I received from you. It was a real Amrbosia. As I am reading through Thy
letters, it is as if my life is a book and I am reading it myself. Thank you, Gurudev, for the wonderful
advice in Thy letters. I have a strong desire always to pray and sing. Thank you for Thy prayers. I feel
Thy presence and remain happy. I believe in Thee and You, my Master, will be with me. Through Thy
help and prayers, everything will happen to us for the best.
-Sri Maxie Welgemoed, Johannesburg, South Africa.
Your dear letter was a great joy for me and I thank you heartily for it. Before its arrival, I was allowed to
see you in my vision. That is always a wonderful happening for me, my Beloved Master. It is always my
greatest joy to let my heart rest close to You. That is a help for many things.
-Sri Sivananda-Lori, Munich, Germany.
I consider it a true blessing to have correspondence with Swami Sivanandaji. His kind letters, full of
compassion and desire to serve, as well as his price less teachings have helped me very much in my Sa
dhana. He teacnes us to destroy ignorance, greed, selfishness, hatred and egoism in our elves, and to
contact God. By whichever Name we call Him, through meditacion. He shows us the only way to true
happiness and peace within. His own life is filled with selfiess service and love to relieve the physical and
mental sufferings of man, May the world receive His Message.
-Sri Klaus Karras, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.
In Swami Sivananda, there is no “mystery”. Indeed it is an obvious Reality, a grand truth. He was born as
an ordinary human being. By dint of right education, effort, culture, heavy struggles, severe trials, hard
and rigorous training, pious living, full abnegation and strict renunciation, he has obtained Self-realisation
and totally given himself to Love and Service, to meditation and prayer, and attained Divine greatness and
Godly sublimity. I esteem him, love him and adore him, and follow him,
-Sri Phillip Petrove, Bulgaria.