Life is of two kinds, viz., life in matter and life in Atma or spirit or Pure Consciousness. Biologists,
physiologists and psychologists hold that life consists of thinking, feeling, knowing, willing, digestion,
excretion, circulation, respiration, etc. This kind of life is not everlasting. This is attended with dangers,
pains, fears, cares, anxieties, worries, exertion, sin, birth and death with their concomitant evils viz., old
age, disease, etc. Therefore sages and seers and Rishis, prophets and saints, who have realised their inner
self by the discipline of the mind and the organs by Tyaga and Tapas, by Vairagya and Abhyasa, by
leading a life of self-denial, self-sacrifice and self-abnegation, have emphatically, without a shadow of
doubt, like Amalaka fruit in hand, declared that a life in the Atman or pure spirit alone can bring
everlasting peace, infinite bliss, supreme joy, external satisfaction and Immortality.
(‘Divine Life’, pp. 1-2)
This does not mean that we should ignore the life in the physical plane of matter. Matter is the expression
of God or Brahman for His own Leela. Matter and spirit are inseparable like heat and fire, cold and ice,
and flower and fragrance. Shakti and Shakta (Power and He who possesses power) are one. Brahman and
Maya are inseparable and one.
A life in the physical plane is a definite preparation for the eternal life in Brahman. The world is your best
teacher; the five elements are your Gurus. Na ture is your mother and director. Prakriti is your silent
master. The world is the best training ground for the development of various divine virtues such as mercy,
forgiveness, tolerance, universal love, gene. Rosity, nobility, courage, magnanimity, patience, strong will,
etc. The world is an arena for fighting with the diabolical nature and for expressing divi. Nity from
within. The central teaching of the Gita and Yoga-Vedanta is that one should realise his self by remaining
in the world. Be in the world, but be out of the world. Behave like the water on the lotusleaf. Give up the
lower Asuric nature which consists of selfishness, lust, anger, greed, hatred, jealousy and assert the divine
nature, a life of mental renunciation and self-sacrifice. (Ibid)
Kindle the light of love in your heart. Love all. Include all creatures in the warm embrace of your love.
Cultivate Viswaprem or all-embracing, all-inclusive cosmic love. Love is a mysterious divine glue that
unites the hearts of all. It is a divine magical healing balm of very high potency. Charge every action with
pure love. Kill cunningness, greed, crookedness and selfishness. The Immortal can be attained only by
performing acts of kindness continuously. Hatred, anger and jealousy are removed by continuous service
with a loving heart. You will get more strength, more joy, more satisFaction by doing kind acts. You will
be loved by 11. Practice of compassion, charitable acts, and kind services, purifies and softens the heart,
turns the heart-lotus upwards, and prepares the aspirant for the reception of the Divine Light. (Ibid)
Man’s life in this universe is in the nature of a ceaseless quest and adventure. Man wishes to obtain
happiness and freedom from limitations. (Yoga’)