95. Intuition sees God. Reason gives the logical proofs.
96. God can be seen by the Seers by keen and one-pointed intuition.
97. Through intuition you can know everything. Bhrigu Rishi was a sage of intuition. Bhrigu Samhita
written centuries ago gives the present-day life of an individual in detail. What a great marvel
98. Have mastery over desires. Meditate. Discover the divine Self concealed in your heart.
99. Detach the mind from the objects, plunge yourself in the depths of your heart and rest in Atman.
100. Withdraw yourself from the nar row limitations of empirical existence Cultivate dispassion and
renuncistim Meditate on the Atman. You will attain Self-realisation.
101. Meditation leads to understand ing. Insight and wisdom.
102. Meditation will bring light is your hearts
103. Meditate Enter the Silence You will realise God within yourself.
104. In meditation, in Silence, there to the flowering of the Sol
105. Union with God comes through meditation. In meditation all other thoughts are excluded.
106. Make your inner life more perfect, more comprehensive, more universal through meditation.
107. The hidden, the unknown, the incomprehensible, the mysterious, the marvellous, the wonderful
be realised through meditation and intuition.
108. Serenity, aspiration, determination, self-restraint, are the pre-requisites of meditation.
109. Remember: if there are cheerfulnem, joy, peace on the face know that the seeker is progressing
in meditation. There are gloom and depression cen 11 the face, know that the aspirant is under the
influence of Tamas and inertia
110. Fear, hatred Jealousy, spite grief, regret are devitalising emotions. Abandon them. Cultivate
their opposites courage, love, cheerfulness
111. Meditate on these formulae: ‘God does everything. God is just. God does everything for our
good. You will derive immense solace, strength and peace,
112. Meditate on the formulae: ‘I am Immortal Brahman, I am Pure Consciousness, I am Infinity, I
am Eternal, I am Immortal. These formulae are dynamic in their power to enlighten, strengthen,
heal and bless.
113. Lose your phenomenal self in the rapture of divine contemplation.
114. Purify. Meditate. Open your heart more and more to the glorious Light of Truth.
115. Meditation helps you to grow in the spiritual path and attain wisdom. Therefore, meditate
116. Sit down in the early morning. Close your eyes. Try to be in the living presence of God Who is
Truth, Love, Wisdom and Bliss.
117. Let the supreme object of your meditation be Truth or Para Brahman.
118. Remember: this world is impermanent, unreal and full of pains, sorrows, diseases and death,
and God is full of bliss, peace and wisdom.