realise as quickly as we wish? The answer is simply this. The Guru has done his part.
He has pointed out the path, with all its ups and downs. But the Guru cannot realise
It for yourself or myself. No Guru has ever done it, nor, any Guru can do it. His duty
is simply to point out the path to help you here and there when you fail or falter.
Everyone individually, separately, has to tread the path according to the laws laid
down by all the saints and sages of the past and the present age. So the first thing
that we have to grasp is the fact that we have to tread the path alone. At the present
moment, everyone sitting here, man or woman, thinks that he is separate from the
other. Yes. We are separate in. a way, but not essentially. As -you already know, the
characteristic of the Spirit or Purusha is oneness, unity. The characteristic of Prakriti
is separateness. Matter divides, separates, disunites. The Spirit unites. We have been
identifying ourselves, for lives together in the past, with the different bodies which
we have, physical, mental, astral and so on. We have got several bodies,
Annamayakosha, Pranamayakosha, Manomayakosha, Vijnanamayakosha and so on
according to Vedanta.
But again, to come back to Swami Sivananda, he published a pamphlet some years
ago and the subject of that pamphlet was " Who am I?" Before treading the path,
before undertaking a journey you have to find out where you have to go and how to
go. If you have to travel abroad, you try to get necessary information about the routes
that you are going to take leading to your destination. Similarly you have to take into
consideration the path pointed out by the Gurus. I just told you that we have been
identifying ourselves repeatedly, in so many past lives, with our bodies, We look
upon our bodies as our own Selves. But that is not the fact. Who can prove it that its
not a fact? Nut the Guru, not Gods, but you yourself, and how? By means of self-
analysis and self-investigation- the things with which we are not familiar, or the
things from which we generally run away, fight shy of. I have told you in the
beginning that we have to do the work of treading the path. No other person can help
us. I speak without the least fear of contradiction, I have done it myself. I have sat
at the feet of so many Gurus, and I told you no Guru can do it for you. If you are
hungry, you have to eat yourself. Therefore, what we have to do is to learn the art of
self-analysis, self-investigation. Who am I? Am I this body the senses, the mind or
the Buddhi? Ask yourself and the answer comes. At the end of your search you will
come to this conclusion that you are not these, but there is something in you which
is conscious, which is self-aware, of which you are all the time aware and should be